Friday, February 22, 2008

Discuss how the 1920's represented social, economis, and cultural discord among Americans.

The period between the end of World War I and the fall of the nation's economy in the 1920's was spoke of as the "Roaring Twenties". Despite experiencing debt, the 1920's witnessed many cultural transformations that would ultimately affect America civilization. Although contradictions had been made such as the constancy of subordination of women, blacks, and the burst of cultural development. The new decade would be a time of change for everyone even if it was not always meant to be a satisfying one. The close of World War I saw the United States to a horrible stance, President Wilson's efforts, the Senate refuse to ratify the Versailles Peace Treaty that ended World War I, and the U.S. failing to join the League of Nations. Elected president in 1920, Harding promoted a "return to normalcy," which was used as a reassurance of nativism, isolationism, and rejection of the Progressive Era (which became unwanted by the people since all the demands had been fulfilled already ). Harding's policies reflected a conservative attitude, his administration was controlled by scandals, but most of them did not surface or unfold until the following his death of a stroke in office. Coolidge was Harding's vice president. When the presidency fell with Harding's death, he moved swiftly to sew up the nomination and mend the effects of the administration's scandals. Coolidge administration policies included various of ideas such as high tariffs, federal tax cuts which were generally approved of during his four years, and also his do little plan in office. Hoover was elected to the presidency in 1928, his personal popularity suffered, however with his "do nothing" plan. Hoover had been in office just a few years when the Great Depression began to carve into the nation's economy. His early relief efforts were generally viewed to be inadequate. With all the tension going on in the 1920's, it still remained a lively decade full of inventions, new ages, dances, amendments, laws, just a decade full of cultural innovations. The 1920's represented a social, economic and cultural discord among Americans with the different religious and science views, traditions, rural and urban disputes, and the red scare the fear of Communism.

After WWI it seemed to those who lived in rural areas of America, the nation's cities represented vice and sin. Even though the nation was to enter into the decade of sale, distribution, and consumption of alcohol drinks (which was outlawed by the eighteenth amendment). The Constitution had prohibited the manufacture, transport and sale of intoxicating liquor. Prohibitionists anticipated that Prohibition would elevate social problems and riots in the economy. However, many people disliked the law and turned to unlawful nightclubs called speakeasies. Gangsters took control of bootlegging (illegal spread of liquor) and violent lawlessness erupted. Lacking public support, the federal government was unable to enforce Prohibition. Rurals viewed the lifestyle as something exceedingly stimulating. Yet the attitude of urban women was represented by their clothing and behavior. Women began smoking, wearing cosmetics, and even having higher hemlines. Youthful "Flapper" were what women were know as who provoked older people with brief skirts and bobbed hair.

The United States was converting from a wartime to peacetime economy. When weapons for World War I were no longer needed, there was a temporary stall in the economy. After a few years, the country did prospered. In this decade, America became the richest nation on Earth and a culture of consumerism was born. It was the time of the $5 workday, good worker pay for those days. People spent money for better roads, tourism, and holiday resorts. Until the unsuspected stock market crash. Consequently causing a huge amount of debt which had not even existed until then. The market was giving to much money and not receiving enough and eventually it crashed, devastating millions leading to the Great Depression.

Though Darwin's ideas on evolution were no longer new in the 1920's, the evolutionary theory was well-established in public schools. Fundamentalists launched campaigns in several states to abolish what they considered to be false and teaching which was whatever was not in harmony with the Bible. Yet in Tennessee a teacher was arrested in1925 for teaching on the subject of Darwin's theory of evolution against the states rule. The case provided the fundamentalist the opportunity to check who ever questioned the theory of creation in the book of Genesis. Then it pitted the ideals and ideas of Urban's against religious fundamentalism of rural protestant America. The teacher dd lose the case yet, the verdict was overturned.

The end of the fighting in Europe did not bring peace and security to the United States. Hatred was quickly replaced by a fear of governmental control, communists and immigrants. Following the triumph of the Bolsheviks in Russia (Russian Revolution) and the establishment of the Soviet Union, efforts were made by communist to promote revolution in Western Europe and the United States. Various events of the1920's were the first of a series of “red scares” in American history. Bombs exploded outside the home of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, killing 38 people. These attacks were blamed on by communists known as the "red scare".

While some ways a lively decade was portrayed in the 1920's and other included discords among social, economic and cultural Americans it was represented as a era of innovation. Various tensions arose during this decade such as the Scopes Monkey Trial, "red scare", urban gangs, scandals in office and countless more. Rural America continued to represent tradition and stability. While urban areas were culturally different, and rural were not yet they were religiously. The era embodied the beginning of modern America. Numerous Americans felt uplifted following World War I. America had survived a deadly worldwide war and now can come home to a new beginning. The new decade would be a time of change for everyone.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Was the U.S ever neutral in the conflict, and if so, when did it change to a policy favoring Allies?

Three years after War World I began the United States fully enter into the War, yet before entering there existed four major factors that brought the European powers into conflict. These four conflicts were the rise of nationalism, growth of imperialism, formation of secret military alliances, and the increase of militarism. The rise nationalism were the rise of ethnic groups that had been taken in by European power and in turn began to seek their interest and self determination. The growth of imperialism was growth of power every nation wanted land just to be in control which led to tension between nations. The formation of secret military alliances were countries forming together becoming threats to the other countries. Finally the increase of militarism was a chance for countries to gain back revenge such as France against Germany from the Franco-Prussian War. With the rise of each this was the stage to be set for war. The only thing needed to start the war was that one spark which was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Francis Ferdinand in June of 1914. On July 28 Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia thus beginning WWI. When WWI broke out, the United States declared its policy of neutrality. The United States was neutral in the conflict Wilson declared them neutral when it first began, they were force into the war by the German military power, and they were still trading with the Allies and Central powers.

When war first broke out Wilson was determined to keep the U.S out of the war. He somehow believed that a neutral U.S would mediate the war and end it, which seemed also impossible to set terms of peace between the countries. Wilson felt that the "U.S from many nations" (Doc A.) so he did not want to get into the conflict knowing that those countries now fight were those people apart of the U.S., this would only erupt more conflict in his own nation. The division in the U.S would be fatal to the peace that they had in the nation, so remaining neutral would be the best idea.

During the war the U.S remained trading with both the Allies and Central Powers which they sometimes would tend to interrupt each other's expansion trade relationships including the U.S. The British would blockade Germany in the hope of cutting off supplies to the Central Powers. Then the British would have these ships examined at sea which could be seized by the Royal Navy. "Neutral ships were intercepted" (Doc C.) the British recognized that the U.S was neutral and thus explained to them that the blockading was just for the use of stopping the Germans. The Germans also communicated with the U.S and warned them to what they were up against "voyage liable to destruction" (Doc E.). Being neutral called for the other nations to take notce of them being neutral which was recognized by them.

In return to the British blockading the Germans declared British waters a war zone and that all shipping in the area to be attacked by the Germans. Germans felt this should have been a warning for the the U.S to keep out of the waters yet they had to continue trading and did not expect to be harmed. That same year that the British began to blockade Germans declared waters a war zone and a British passenger line the Lusitania was sunk by Germans including 128 Americas. Wilson threatened to cut off relations if Germany continued to sink ships "neutrals take stand now"(Doc G.).

As Wilson made his declaration to the Germans he lost his Secretary of State William J. Bryan who resigned in protest that Wilson would lead them to war with his declaration to the Germans. Wilson tried to "keep U.S neutral"(Doc H.) Yet with Germany sinking made it more difficult. The sinking of the Sussex where Wilson told Germans this was it if they do continue to do so relations are over. The Germans reailzing the importance the U.S made the Sussex Pledge where promised to stop booming ships.

As the U.S continued to stay out Germany made it once again a challenge to stay out "German military power"(Doc I.) Germany was beginning to take over. Beginning with the Zimmerman Note, Germany proclaim to Mexico could regain lost land that was lost in the Mexican -American War. This made it to difficult for the U.S to stay out of the war or else there land would be lost.Wilson's idea was to stay neutral during the war there just existed to many challenge to keep out without hurt their country.

When World War I broke out the first thought of the U.S was to stay out of the war. To make sure the U.S would not get into the conflict the U.S made sure they trading with each nation, lent 3 million dollars to Britain and France, and even Wilson's League of Nations which was a universal cooperation. The idea to keep the U.S neutral became harder with Germany's decision to renew attacks on neutral shipping, the Zimmerman Note, and the Russian Revolution. The U.S did not chose to to get into the conflict they wanted to remain neutral although they were forced.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Compare and Contrast the three presidents during the Progressive Era. Which was the best in reforms?

The early 20th century was an era of business expansion and progressive reform in the United States. Know as the Progressive era dominated by the middle class. They worked to clean up corrupt city governments, to improve the working conditions in factories, and to better living conditions for those who lived in dreadful areas. During this time which consists of three progressive presidents Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson. Who each contributed at least one aspect to the U.S. Roosevelt accomplished much especially in the areas of protecting public health, protecting the rights of workers, and even the safeguarding the nation's environmental resources. Wilson proceeded under the New Freedom to pass a program of domestic reform, including the Federal Reserve Act, the Clayton Antitrust Act, and the establishment of the Federal Trade Commission. Taft was most notable for trust-busting, in which he broke up large businesses that had too much control over the economy. Taft also expanded civil service, fixed up the United States Postal Service and promoted world peace as well. Yet throughout the Progressive Era the most progressive president was Theodore Roosevelt. He was considered a trust-buster, attacked big business, applied his square, and promoted the conservation movement.

Teddy Roosevelt although he was part of the Republican party he did a lot with relation to industry and capitalism that had turned the United States into a superpower. He was able to gain ground as a trust-buster; going after extremely powerful businessmen. He also helped to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906. The country had gone to industry and they especially had to be regard to food, safety and quality. Since he passed the clean food act he threatened to take away the property of companies, and he brought some trusts to court and won, and he eventually established a national park system. Theodore Roosevelt was the most important and effective progressive president he conserved land and forest being a conservationist who loved outdoors wanted to conserve wildlife. One of the things that he did was to urge congress to develop the United States Forest Service. He did the Panama Canal, resolved issues in the Russo Japanese war, and made the Open Door Policy.

Roosevelt also introduced his Square Deal which was fair treatment not to just one race or social class but to all, equal treatment. It also ended the Laissez Faire. During his presidency there were many Acts passed, the Sherman Anti trust Act, Elkins Act which made it illegal for the railroads and shippers to offer rebates. The Hepburn Act which gave the ICC the power to set maximum railroad rates, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and Meat Inspection Act.

Woodrow set up FTC or Federal Trade Commission to investigate illegal business practices. The FTC could put a halt to the illegal business practices by issuing different orders. Wilson also had a part in certain Acts and amendments for instance the sixteenth which provided the feral income tax, the eighteenth amendments which helped institute alcohol, and the nineteenth which gave women the right to vote. Wilson also had a strong belief in peace which was ironic since the United States entered World War I, Wilson provided effective wartime leadership, and he put effort in his skill to the postwar peace agreement for a new League of Nations. This even won him a Noble Peace Prize.

Taft was most notable for trust-busting, where he broke up large businesses that had too much control over the economy. Taft also who was the successor of Roosevelt seemed to be a slight disappointment to him. He was the complete opposite of Roosevelt, who wanted low tariffs Taft chose high, which resulted in the Payne-Aldrich tariff. Unlike Roosevelt, Taft never attacked business or businessmen, yet he did launch 80 anti trusts including one against U.S Steel. One thing in common with the presidents was the goal to promote peace.

Theodore Roosevelt although a republican was the most progressive president during the Progressive Era since he applied the square deal in his presidency, turned the U.S into a superpower, attacked big businesses, established different types of Acts, tariffs, and trust. Compared to the other presidents Roosevelt accomplished more than the other two did. Wilson promoted peace then went to war; Taft even went against his own party. Thus Roosevelt proved to be the most progressive.